April 1, 2020
QPRC is committed to the health and safety of our residents and team members. We continue to actively monitor developments concerning the coronavirus, and our leadership team talks daily to review the latest information and recommendations. We continue to make changes and implement new policies to proactively safeguard our community.
The governor issued a “Stay at Home” order for Lancaster County on Friday, March 27th. Details may be found here: Stay at Home Order. Residents are encouraged to shelter in place as much as possible. Please do not leave the community unless it is critical to do so.
Our entire campus is closed to visitors. This means all buildings, residential apartments, cottages, personal care, skilled nursing, and memory support. Residents and team members must enter through the Long, McElwain, or Dyrness lobbies. You cannot enter through any other door. If you have questions or a family member is facing an end-of-life situation, please call 888-786-7331.
Residents and team members entering these buildings are screened daily with a temperature check and written questionnaire. Our team members continue to follow CDC guidelines to reduce the risk of further spread of COVID-19, including strict handwashing procedures, maintaining social distancing, limiting trips outside the community to life-sustaining needs, frequent cleaning of surfaces, and use of personal protective equipment as deemed necessary.
QPRC is actively monitoring our personal care, skilled nursing, and memory support residents for symptoms of illness. Residential living residents are encouraged to self-monitor for signs of illness including fever, cough, sore throat, and shortness of breath. If you experience any of these symptoms, stay in your residence and call your primary physician immediately. Contact the healthcare response attendant at 717-786-5207. Follow your doctor’s recommendations carefully. If you are struggling to breathe, call 911 immediately, then pull your emergency pull cord. If your symptoms gradually worsen, call your primary care physician.
Thank you to all our residents for your continued understanding and for following the safety guidelines. Thank you to our dedicated team members who are serving selflessly and with joy in their hearts. You are making a difference!
Finally, we rest in the knowledge that God is sovereign over all. Selah.