April 12, 2022

Quarryville Presbyterian Retirement Community has had one 1 additional positive case of COVID-19. This individual did not have any resident contact in our Skilled, PC or RL areas. We continue to be thankful for no positive COVID-19 tests in our PC or Skilled Nursing Units.

Vaccine Clinic
The CDC has officially approved a 4th shot, or a second booster dose for all individuals over the age of 50 or anyone who is immunocompromised. We will be calling families shortly to determine which Skilled and PC residents wish to receive the vaccine. All team members, residents, and family members are welcome to attend the clinic if they meet the appropriate criteria. Hershey Care Pharmacy will be arriving at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, April 20th. This clinic will once again be held in the Great Room in the Commons Building. The end time will be determined by the number of individuals signing up. As soon as we have a good idea, we will send out further communication.

If you are interested in getting the vaccine, please reach out to Rob Benson ([email protected]) if you have any questions on eligibility for yourself, a loved one, or a family member. If you are eligible and want to come to the clinic, you will need to let us know you will be there, which vaccine you wish to have administered (first dose, second dose, 1st booster, 2nd booster) and which brand you would like no later than Tuesday, April 19th at noon. We can offer Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson in any dose.

Vaccination paperwork must be filled out prior to receiving your vaccine.  Packets are located at the Long, Dyrness and McElwain reception desks.