April 3, 2023

After more than three years of having to “Mask Up” when entering the healthcare area of our community, we are thrilled to announce that we are stopping this requirement beginning April 3rd, 2023. Team Members, Residents, and Visitors will no longer be required to wear a mask while in any area of our community, though you are free to do so if you wish to for your own precaution.

Please note the following conditions in which masks must be worn per CDC, DOH or QPRC Policy.

  •  Any team member returning to work following a positive COVID-19 test must wear a facemask at all times for days 6-10 following the positive COVID-19 test or start of symptoms, whichever is sooner.
  •  An COVID-19 outbreak in Personal Care, Memory Support or Skilled Nursing will trigger a temporary KN-95 mask requirement in those areas until 14 days have passed with no additional positive tests.
  •  Any individual who has had a confirmed exposure to COVID-19 and is exhibiting signs or symptoms must wear a face mask until signs and symptoms resolve and negative COVID-19 results have been obtained.
  •  Facemasks will be required again if Lancaster County’s Transmission Rate per CDC reaches the “High” level.

While we are excited to take steps to allow our community to see each other’s smiling faces, some for the very first time, please remember that whether it is COVID-19, or other viruses, we still must use caution and ensure we are keeping those around us safe. If you may have any illness that is contagious, we encourage you to take the appropriate precautions in the spirit of loving and protecting one another.

Thank you all for the cooperation, prayers and hard work over the past three years. While COVID-19 is not over and we have not worn our last facemask, we are thankful we can take this big step forward.