August 19, 2020

Updated Visitation during Skilled Nursing Quarantine and Step 1 of Reopening Plan

Skype/Virtual Visitation

  • Skype, Facetime, and other virtual visitation methods will always be available and encouraged regardless of which step of the reopening process QPRC is in.
  • Families should contact activities or social work to set up these virtual visits

Window Visits

  • Window Visits for residents on First Floor will resume on 8/26/2020
  • Window Visits for residents on Garden West can resume immediately
  • Window Visits for residents outside of the isolation unit on 2nd floor can resume immediately
  • Window visits with residents in the isolation section of 2nd floor will not be permitted

Hospice Visits

  • Unless the facility has concluded a skilled nursing resident is unable to leave their room, all hospice visits will be conducted in the same window visit format to ensure resident’s safety.
  • Exceptions to this will be made when deemed necessary if agreed upon by nursing administration

Window Visitation Sign Up

  • In order to streamline window visitation during this time and ensure facility staff are able to focus on caring for our residents, we are asking all window visitation to be scheduled on Sign Up Genius by following the link above.
  • Team members will do our best to ensure there is a variety of days and times available to sign up; however, we are limited in the amount of times and slots we can offer to ensure we have the team members available to facilitate these visits while still caring for our residents.

These visitation guidelines will be in effect throughout the Quarantine Phase and Step 1 of the reopening phase. Outdoor visitation will resume once we re-enter step 2 of the reopening plan.