January 14, 2022

Quarryville Presbyterian Retirement Community continues to test team members and residents regularly to identify positive COVID-19 cases as soon as possible to ensure proper quarantine of residents and team members. Over the last two days, 8 additional skilled nursing residents have tested positive for COVID-19. Two residents in personal care have tested positive as well.

With these two additional positive cases in skilled nursing, our dedicated COVID-19 red zone unit has reached its capacity. We have identified a new location where we have created a temporary partitioned area where additional COVID-19 positive residents can be transferred. While this may require the relocation of some current residents, doing so will ensure that we are able to properly cohort all our positive cases together in effort to limit further spread of COVID-19. Representatives for residents needing to be temporarily relocated will be notified as soon as possible.

The two positive residents in personal care will remain quarantined in their rooms for the required 10 day period.

Quarryville will do its best to minimize the impact of this outbreak and necessary inconvenience on other residents while ensuring we take steps to maintain the safety of all our residents and team members.

Though visitation is still permitted per regulations, we are strongly discouraging visitation throughout our community at this time. For those that choose to visit, please remember that you are required to wear a face mask at all times during the visit.

Thank you for your continued support during this time. Please continue to keep our residents, team members, and community in prayer as we navigate this pandemic that continues to cause weariness and uncertainty.