January 6, 2021

Our team has received many questions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine and the process of administration. Time has not allowed me or my team to respond to each individual, but we have kept note of all of your questions. A recorded video that attempts to answer all of those questions will be released on our website and on Channel 957. We have attached a written version of that FAQ video to this memo for your convenience.  I hope this will answer many of your questions and allows for better understanding of what Quarryville does and does not know at this time.

QPRC continued to conduct routine testing on Monday, Jan 4. Results of those tests have revealed that another skilled nursing resident and two additional employees tested positive. Both employees who work outside of skilled nursing had minimal resident contact and both have been out of work due to signs and symptoms.

All of the tests completed in Memory Support came back negative which hopefully signifies a turning point in that unit.  Team members working in that unit have worked diligently trying to control the recent outbreak.

A significant number of Memory Support residents that tested positive have recovered.  Some have been admitted to our Skilled Nursing Unit to get more intensive rehabilitation which will allow them to return to full strength. It is with a heavy heart though that we inform our community that 5 total residents have now passed as a result of the most recent outbreak. Our prayers are with their families and friends and our team members as well.

COVID-19 Vaccination FAQs

We have received many questions from residents and their families about the Covid-19 vaccine and how it will be distributed here at Quarryville.  There are still many questions that we do not have the answers to, we hope this Frequently Asked Questions memo will help.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When will Quarryville be getting the COVID-19 Vaccine to administer?

Skilled Nursing Residents and Team Members: Walgreens will be conducting on site clinics January 18, February 9, and March 3. They are spaced three weeks apart to ensure compliance with the requirement that there be 21 days between the first and second dose administration.

Personal Care/Memory Support Residents and Team Members: We do not yet have a date for Personal Care or Memory Support. We believe Walgreens will once again be scheduling on-site clinics to conduct these vaccinations similar to the schedule for Skilled Nursing.

Residential Living Residents and Team Members: At this point, we have no information. We believe Quarryville will be responsible for securing and administering the vaccine to Residential Living residents and team members, but we continue to look for updates and more information.

We will provide additional information as it is available.

  1. Will it be mandatory to get the Vaccine?

Covid-19 vaccines are not mandatory for residents or team members. It is important to make an informed decision about getting the Covid-19 vaccine.  Residents and team members are strongly encouraged to discuss the Covid vaccine with their physician before making a final decision if they have specific questions or concerns.

  1. I have not received any information yet. Where can I get information?

Information about the Covid-19 vaccine, including a letter, consent forms, and fact sheet will be available at the following locations:

  • Quarryville Presbyterian website
  • Community Apps
  • Long, McElwain, Dyrness building reception desks
  1. There is so much information in this packet. What do I need to do?

Skilled Nursing: The QPRC and Walgreens consent forms must be returned to QPRC by Monday, January 11. If you have trouble with this time frame, please contact either Monica Herbein, the Healthcare Coordinator at 717-786-5341 or Mark Smeltzer, the Administrator of Healthcare Services at 717-786-5295 and we will assist you.

Personal Care, Memory Support and Residential Living: Please complete the Quarryville Consent Form and return it to Monica Herbein, the Healthcare Coordinator.  Even though we have limited information on when it will be available and what the clinics will look like, completing this form will give us a better understanding of how many doses will be needed.  You do not need to complete the Walgreens consent form at this time.

  1. What do I do with the completed consent form?

For residents or team members at the community, please put completed Quarryville consent forms in an envelope clearly marked “HEALTHCARE COORDINATOR” and give it to a receptionist.  Residential Living can also give completed forms to Joe Greer.

For families outside of the community, please return via mail or you can scan a copy and email it to Monica Herbein at [email protected].

  1. How much will this cost?

Our understanding at this time is that the vaccine itself is provided by the government at no cost. Walgreens and or QPRC will be able to bill insurance companies for a vaccine administration fee which should be covered by insurance.

  1. I have medical issues and don’t know if I should get it. What should I do?

It is important to make an informed decision about the Covid-19 vaccine. Residents are encouraged to discuss the Covid-19 vaccine with their physician if they have any medical issues or specific questions about the vaccine itself.

  1. Do I have a choice of which vaccine I receive?

Skilled Nursing: Residents and team members will be administered the Pfizer vaccine. We have asked about the possibility of offering a choice and have learned that that is not possible at this time.

Personal Care/Memory Support, Residential Living: We do not have any indication of which vaccine will be administered to Personal Care, Memory Support, Residential Living and other team members. We also do not have any idea of which vaccine Quarryville will be able to purchase and offer.

  1. What if I want to wait and not get the vaccine when Quarryville is offering it?

You do not have to receive the Covid-19 vaccine, nor do you have to receive it at Quarryville.

We have no way of knowing if, when, or where Covid-19 vaccinations will be available in the future or if other opportunities will be available to receive the Covid-19 vaccine on-campus.

  1. Masks and Quarantine
    1. Do I still have to wear a mask and quarantine if I get it?

Yes.  All current Covid-19 procedures and guidelines will remain in place until further notice.  Many procedures and guidelines are required by various state and federal agencies and cannot be changed without their direction.

We will notify you of any changes to our procedures and guidelines.

  1. Why do I still have to wear a mask and quarantine if I get it?

It is unclear at this time how many people will choose to receive the Covid-19 vaccine and how the infection incidence rates will be impacted. There remain a number of uncertainties regarding the vaccine and the impact it will have. Everyone must continue to be diligent and use caution until we know more.

  1. I need help reading this or filling it out. Who will help me?

Residential Living: If you need help with the forms, please contact Joe Greer at 717.786.5211 or email him at: [email protected]

Skilled Nursing and Personal Care/Memory Support can contact Monica Herbein, the Healthcare Coordinator at 717-786-5341 or Mark Smeltzer, the Administrator of Healthcare Services at 717-786-5295.

As previously mentioned, if your question is whether you should get the Covid-19 vaccine or not, please contact your physician.

  1. Is it safe to get the vaccine?

There are risk factors and side-effects associated with many vaccines and it is important that you make an informed decision about what is best for you.

As mentioned above, a fact sheet about the Pfizer vaccine is available on Community Apps, at the Long, Dyrness, and McElwain reception desks, and on the Quarryville website.

Residents are strongly encouraged to discuss the Covid-19 vaccine with their physician before making a final decision.

  1. What should I be doing at this point?

If you want to receive the Covid-19 vaccine here at Quarryville, complete and return the Quarryville consent form to the Healthcare Coordinator.

If you have additional questions, please contact

Residential Living: Joe Greer at 717.786.5211 or [email protected],

Skilled Nursing, Personal Care, Memory Support:

Monica Herbein, the Healthcare Coordinator at 717-786-5341 or [email protected]

Mark Smeltzer, the Administrator of Healthcare Services at 717-786-5295 or [email protected].

Forms and Additional Information:

Vaccination Letter – December 18, 2020

COVID Vaccination Consent

Walgreens Vaccination Consent

Pfizer COVID Emergency Use Authorization