July 29, 2022

COVID-19 continues to present a unique challenge to our community as we navigate continued regulatory restrictions, ensuring the safety of our residents and our team members, and continue to do our best to ensure we are meeting and exceeding the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of our residents. As most of you are aware, COVID-19 cases are up significantly again throughout the county and we are continuing to see the effects of that throughout our community. While we are thankful to have not had any residents within QPRC test positive for COVID-19, we have had a number of team members and team member family members test positive over the past week. Skilled Nursing, Personal Care, and Administration have all had individuals either test positive or be forced to quarantine due to a family member testing positive for COVID-19.

Supportive Living – All of supportive living remains open for visitation at this time. Visitors must either visit in the resident’s room or outside (weather permitting) and must wear a mask at all times during the visit. Visitors must check in before hand to verify they have not tested positive within the past 10 days and are not currently exhibiting any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. We ask that when visiting, you keep in mind not only the safety of the loved one you are visiting with, but the safety of all our residents and team members.

Residential Living – We are continuing to monitor cases before making any change to current procedures. If you have any signs or symptoms, we ask that you reach out to your primary care physician immediately and use caution when around others. If you are exposed to someone with COVID-19, please let us know so we can help give direction on CDC recommended protocols.

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic – Hershey Care Pharmacy will once again be coming to Quarryville to offer COVID-19 shots. They will be here Thursday, August 18th at 10: 30 AM in the Commons Great Room. It will once again be open to residents, team members, and family members for anyone wishing to receive a first dose, second dose, or any eligible booster doses. If you are unsure of whether or not you are eligible, please reach out to me at (717) 786-5295. In order to sign up and place your name on the list, please reach out to Robert Benson, Assistant Administrator at (717) 786-9719. Consent forms will be located at each reception desk beginning August 1st.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. I am sure I can speak for everyone when I express a desire for the day when COVID-19 will be a thing of the past. While it seems as though that may be wishful thinking, we continue to trust in God’s faithfulness and provision for our lives and this community.