JUNE 19, 2020

A sincere thank you to all residents and team members who have stood with us as we have navigated the last couple of months. A world with COVID is new for all of us. While your health and safety remain our top priority, we recognize that the necessary isolation has become wearisome. “We’ll get through this together” has given way to “How long must this go on?”

I would like to give you a clear definitive answer, but I cannot. I can tell you what is, but I cannot tell you what will be.

What is:
• We are still in the midst of a pandemic.
• People over the age of 65 and those with underlying health issues are most at risk.
• We cannot allow visitors into any of our buildings.
• Residents living in cottages and apartments only may visit with family members outside.
• Residents in Personal Care and Skilled Care may only visit with family members on opposite sides of one of the windows in atrium.
• Our dining rooms remain closed to congregate dining.
• Masks are required any time you are outside of your cottage or apartment.
• As a retirement community, we do not follow the same guidelines put forth for the general population. So even though churches may be gathering in groups of 250, we cannot.
• We strongly encourage you to remain physically distant from any other people – friends, family and neighbors.
• We strongly encourage you to avoid groups of more than 10 people.
• We strongly encourage you to make only the most necessary visits to stores.
• We strongly encourage you to wear your mask.
• We strongly encourage you to maintain contact with friends, family and neighbors by phone or through a computer using Face Time, Skype or Zoom.

We thank God for his protection during this time and continue to look to Him for guidance.