JUNE 30, 2020
As required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, all residents and team members in Skilled Care and Personal Care (PC) were tested for COVID-19 even if they had no symptoms. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week more than 350 tests were completed and the results are now coming in.
As of today, we have received results for 103 tests – 101 are negative; 2 of our Personal Care residents have tested positive. These residents were asymptomatic (had no signs or symptoms of illness). Resident representatives have been notified and the residents have been isolated. Full personal protective equipment will be used in caring for these individuals. For now, Personal Care residents may not leave the 2nd, 3rd or 4th floor of the Long Building. Team members working in PC may only work in PC. This includes maintenance and dining team members.
We will keep you updated as results come in. We remain committed to the highest standards of safety for our residents and team members. We will continue to follow the current guidelines of the DOH and CDC and go beyond if we deem it necessary.
Thank you to all our residents and team members who have diligently followed guidelines during this time. I commend you for your steadfastness even though this has continued for months. We will see this through together.