MAY 22, 2020

We are on the verge of a transition from the red phase to the yellow phase in our county. You may be wondering how that might affect our community. Since we have no COVID cases, we are having discussions about how to facilitate some changes in a way that protects both our residents and team members. People are made for relationship and social interaction. We are considering ways we can distance physically while still being able to engage socially. We will communicate those plans in the near future.

Again, I want to thank you for adhering to the restrictions that have been put in place thus far. Please work with us as we attempt to move towards a new (ab)normal.

Even though stay-at-home orders are lifted under the yellow phase, I want all of us to be cautious. There is still little data from other states and counties that have started to reopen. I urge you to continue to be diligent in your handwashing and maintain a minimum 6-foot distance from any other person. Masks are required for entrance into many places and are still required in our community.

I hope you can find comfort in a verse from the hymn, This is my Father’s World:

“O let me ne’er forget. That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.”