MAY 22, 2020

As our daily memos turn to weekly memos, we look forward to the time when restrictions can ease a bit.  As of right now, we remain COVID-19 free. We are grateful to everyone who has practiced social distancing, handwashing, and wearing a mask.

We have received several requests for changes, but we must continue to follow the guidelines set forth by the governing authorities.  Today, Lancaster County is still in the red phase per the state.  That means stay at home orders are still in place, gatherings of more than 10 are prohibited, restaurants are limited to carry-out only, travel is encouraged to be for life-sustaining purposes only.  We encourage you to continue to follow these guidelines as well, even though we are all anxious for things to change.

I know the enormous toll that changed routines have on all of us – from hair care to wandering around a store just to look.  Our daily and weekly routines have been suspended and it hurts.  As a man under authority, I am commanded to listen and obey our authorities.

Praying that we all look to Jesus.