November 3, 2022
Skilled Nursing
Skilled Nursing had one team member test positive last weekend and one additional positive team member today. We were able to identify close contacts and are currently testing those residents and team members.
Personal Care and Memory Support
We remain thankful that no residents or team members have tested positive for COVID-19 in recent weeks.
Residential Living
We have been made aware of a number of RL residents who tested positive for COVID-19 over the past few days and a handful more who tested positive today alone. These tests came from individuals in both buildings and can not be traced back to any one activity or event. Please note the following.
- If you test positive, you must isolate in your apartment for 5 days from the start of symptoms or the day of the positive test. Per CDC guidelines, you must also wear a mask on days 6-10 once you are out of isolation following your positive test.
- If you are exposed, CDC recently altered their guidance and suggests being tested 5 days after the date of exposure. A mask should be worn for ten days following exposure, and you should monitor closely for signs and symptoms. If you develop signs or symptoms, get tested immediately and begin quarantining until symptoms resolve. (Visit gov/coronavirus for more information.)
- We will be offering COVID-19 rapid testing in the Commons Great Room from 1PM to 3PM on Friday, November 4th for anyone who would like to be tested. You are still welcome to contact Joe Greer or stop by the Long Building Reception Desk to be tested anytime.
- At this time, we are not making any changes to activities or masking requirements. We will continue to evaluate this based on the number of cases throughout the community. We would recommend and ask that you use your best judgement and caution as you move about QPRC and the Community.
- For any residents coming into the Long or Thompson buildings, which includes the hallway leading up to the Long Building Lobby, a mask MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. This is a DOH and DHS Regulation.
- For any residents that test positive, please let us know who you have been in close contact with in the past 48 hours. If you would like assistance contacting them, we can help. Close contact is defined as within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me should you have any questions or concerns. We will continue to monitor active cases and make adjustments as we see fit to promote the safety of our residents.
Please continue to keep our community and the other residents at our community in your prayers.