October 5, 2020
An update from Mark Smeltzer, Senior Administrator Healthcare Services:
I am excited to announce that all the Covid tests completed last week at QPRC have come back negative. This is a huge testament to the dedication and hard work of each of the QPRC team members who have been diligently following all of the infection control guidelines mandated by the state and federal government.
Personal Care and Memory Support completed their required “routine testing” which means unless a resident or team member is symptomatic, we will not be required to continue testing again for another 4-6 weeks at this point. Personal Care and Memory Support can continue physically distanced communal dining, physically distanced activities, and visitation per the visitation guidelines that have been established.
Skilled Nursing completed the last round of “outbreak testing” that can now subside due to being COVID-19 free for 14 days. Skilled Nursing residents will now be able to eat together while physically distanced, participate in physically distanced activities, and most importantly, resume visitation with families per the visitation guidelines that have been established to ensure safety.
Please keep in mind that QPRC will continue testing any residents or team members that are exhibiting signs or symptoms or COVID-19. If there are any positive test results, they may result in scaling back of visitation and group activities again per guidelines.
Visitation times for Personal Care, Memory Support are already posted on the Sign Up Genius webpage that can be found via the link on Quarryville’s website. Skilled Nursing visitation times will be posted by tomorrow once we are able to coordinate staff to be available to monitor the visits as is required by the Department of Health. Many families have asked about the weather and where visitation will be held once the weather gets cooler. QPRC has an indoor location for visitation inside that will allow a quiet and temperature-controlled atmosphere to visit with your loved ones. Outside visits are still strongly recommended by state and federal governments so we will hold as many outdoor visitations as possible. Please feel free to call the facility or check the sign-up page the day of the visit to see if it will be outdoor or indoor. These visits will still be scheduled via the Sign Up Genius webpage but will be limited to 2 individuals.
More information will also be coming out regarding “compassionate care visits.” We are currently navigating the challenge of competing regulations which is making it difficulty to finalize our policies and procedures that we will need to follow in carrying out these “compassionate care visits.” As soon we receive clarification on what our requirements are surrounding these, team members will be reaching out to schedule and inform families that their loved ones have met the criteria for a compassionate caregiver.
Thank you for your continued support as we work diligently to navigate what is again becoming an increasingly changing regulatory environment that we must continue to change and adapt our policies and procedures to reflect. I pray we can soon be clearer and have procedures in place that are not constantly changing. Thank you for your continued prayers and support as work to provide our residents with extraordinary care.